Friday 9 March 2018

Natural Beauty

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Peoples perspective of beauty has change ever since the introduction of make-up.They often confuse beauty with make-up. Well i ask, is a beautiful person one who has make-up all over their face or or one who embraces their natural self?

We now live in a society where everyone wants to be a shade lighter and not their own skin colours. People have become ashamed of their skin colours because society labels a light person as beautiful. People go through pain trying to change, trying to meet up to societies demands. What happened to the dark African skin with African butter all over it? all that has changed but needs to be brought back. Fellow generations needs to know that beauty does not lie in the colour of your skin but skin deep. your skin colour should not define you but your soul should. They should be taught that whether you dark or light skinned, you are all beautiful and no one is better than the other. Once we change this perspective, we will be living in a world were women compliment each other and not hate. The advantages of using social media could be the fact that we able to get the public's opinion about certain issues. Through social media we are able to change peoples perspective easily. The disadvantage of social media is that only women or ladies with perfect bodies, skin and features are shown and their imperfections are not shown. Another disadvantage is that everyone wants to look like the girl in the magazine or TV and not themselves. My recommendation is that the media start teaching people to embrace their imperfections and not try to be like someone else.

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Black lives matter is an international activist movement that campaigns against violence and systemic racism against black people. The movement began with the use of a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Tryvon Martin. There have been many reactions to the black lives matter campaign.

Social media platforms are very important for public relations because they enable you to create a two-way communication with your target audiences, meaning they are able to connect with you easily and get a response. Through social media you able to get feedback from your customers regarding your organisation or certain issues. When one wants to build their brand, the use of social media could be effective.The setbacks of social media is that false news tend to spread fast and an organisations image can be easily tarnished. Customers complaints posted online can create a bad corporate image of a brand and peoples perspective of you may change.The use of social media by the #Blacklivesmatter movement was a success because the internet is where majority of people connect. They were able to reach a lot of people and be recognized worldwide. Social media is a good platform to use when you trying to make your brand visible and known. My recommendation is that an organisation shouldn't use social media solely, but it should also include using print media and other sources. They should also organize workshops to educate people about their organisation.

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Natural Beauty